Category: Uncategorized

Can Medicare Advantage survive PPACA?

Here is a great article about how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) may affect the Medicare Advantage program…

Can Medicare Advantage survive PPACA? | BenefitsPro.


Congratulations to the winners of our door prizes at our open house!
IMG_1060[1] Bob & Diana Wyen — our grand prize winners!

IMG_1072[1]Donna Lemmon

(not pictured)

Rose Toller

Thank you again to all who came to see our new office! We will still show you around if you couldn’t make it and would like to see our new “home”. Feel free to stop by! Hope to see you soon!

Open house today!

open house

Rain, rain, go away!!! We have an open house today!!!!

We are hoping the rain won’t keep you from joining us today for our open house! 3-7 at our new office at 2551 Michigan Street. Come on out! Bring some friends! We will be having a ribbon cutting ceremony at 4 pm.

Hope to see you this afternoon!

Come and celebrate our Grand Opening with Us!

open house ad

(Click on image to enlarge)