Renee – MS

Renee – MS

Scope of Appointment Confirmation Form (Renee)

Scope of Appointment

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services requires agents to document the scope of a marketing appointment prior to any individual sales meeting to ensure understanding of what will be discussed between the agent and the Medicare beneficiary (or their authorized representative). All information provided on this form is confidential and should be completed by each person with Medicare or his/her authorized representative.
Plans to Discuss(Required)
VIEW complete Medicare product descriptions.

Beneficiary or Authorized Representative Information

By signing this form, you agree to a meeting with a sales agent to discuss the types of products you initialed above. Please note, the person who will discuss the products is either employed or contracted by a Medicare plan. They do not work directly for the Federal government. This individual may also be paid based on your enrollment in a plan. Signing this form does NOT obligate you to enroll in a plan, affect your current or future enrollment, or enroll you in a Medicare plan.
Are you the authorized representative acting on behalf of the beneficiary?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.