

The transition to retirement is an overwhelming and confusing process. You’ve likely done research and asked dozens of friends and family members, only to be left with more questions.

  • Do I need Medicare if I keep working?
  • Should I take Social Security now or later?
  • Do I need a Drug Plan?
  • What do I do with the 401(k) I have with my employer?

And—most importantly — what is my next step?
In Seniormark’s Life After Work series of workshops, we seek to answer these questions and more!

Swamped with Medicare mail? In this workshop, we help you make sense of it all. We will start by introducing you to the four parts of Medicare (A, B, C, & D) and finish by outlining your options along with the associated costs involved with each.

In this workshop, we will introduce you to the complicated government program you’ve likely paid into throughout your whole career: Social Security. Outlining topics such as maximizing your benefit and various claiming strategies, the workshop is designed to help you decide when and how to take Social Security as well as figure how your benefit might fit into your retirement income plan as a whole. We will also cover all of the best options for your 401(k) and the strengths and weaknesses of each. We will also teach you how to avoid uncomfortable losses and costly mistakes.

Medicare Planning
Social Security/401K Planning
Spouse/Friend Name
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