Let us help you bring it into focus. Attend our free in-person or ZOOM meeting over Medicare workshop:
Let us help you bring it into focus. Attend our free in-person or ZOOM meeting over Medicare workshop:
Why is Medicare so complicated?
It’s a work in progress – and always will be. The options will change. The needs of retirees are as individual as you and I.
That’s why we take a person-focused approach. At Seniormark, we are certified in senior advising and work one-on-one with you in Medicare and retirement planning. Remove the stress and worry of making a wrong decision with an advisor you trust.
Just an overwhelmed couple in need…
It was time for them both to retire. And they thought their combined experience in the health care industry would enable them to handle the health insurance aspect on their own. But sooner rather than later—they found out differently. Consistently confused by the challenging process, they turned to us for help, and we promptly got them into good health insurance coverage for their needs. They avoided bad and costly decisions and were more than thankful for the assistance.
-A Hospital CEO and a Nurse Administrator
Get Answers To Your Questions

Half-Truths And Medicare Advantage Commercials Weekly, we receive phone calls from people asking about something they saw on their tv and wondering if their insurance covers whatever they are seeing advertised. This is more prevalant in the fall of each year, when Medicare Advantage companies ramp up their advertising during annual enrollment. As an office,… Read more »
“Broadway Joe” Namath Isn’t Giving You the Whole Story By: Dan Hoelscher, President & Founder, Seniormark, LLC If you haven’t already had enough of the Celebrity-Sponsored Medicare Commercials, then buckle up! With the Medicare Annual Enrollment (AEP) season quickly approaching, you are soon to be inundated with them. They will feature celebrities such as… Read more »
Write the important Annual Enrollment dates to remember on your Calendar, and clip your calendar on your fridge. Don’t eat that midnight snack until you’ve read the dates at least once. October 1st— we can talk about your options! October 15th— The AEP games begins. December 7th—AEP comes to exhausting close. January 1st— Plan changes… Read more »